Art Terry Portrait Artist

Art Terry Artwork Ronald Reagan Portrait
Ronald Reagan 84 by Art Terry

Portrait Subject: Ronald Reagan
Physical Features
  When an artist draws or paints a portrait, the artist usually focuses on details of the subject's features which are distinctive or unique. Some of the characteristics are subtle and barely noticeable while others are obvious to all, "as plain as a nose on a face". 
 President Reagan had many unique features. It might also be said that he wore his face well.  Well defined prominent features facilitate the rendering of a readily recognizable, portrait image.
 In addition to pronounced features of the portrait subject's physical image, the portrayal of subtle nuances allow the artist to focus the viewer's attention on often overlooked aspects of the subject. Both obvious and subtle subject characteristics are uniquely captured in portraits by Art Terry. 
Portrait Subject: Ronald Reagan
Time Frame 

  After the physical attributes of a subject's image, the time frame may be considered. Capturing a precise moment in time or single momentary mood of a person, may be an objective of some portraits. In the study of Ronald Reagan, one could visualize Reagan celebrating a particular unique event. The image could have been a commemoration of any one of Reagan's many victories and acomplishments. 
 Only one instant in time is usually captured in a photograph. The portrait artist can add a timeless quality to his rendering. Art Terry's objective when drawing Ronald Reagan was to broaden the time frame, in order to create a visual image of the man that would allow the viewers to recall the Reagan they knew personally or publicly at any point along a one or two decade timeline.
Portrait Subject: Ronald Reagan
Mood, Demeanor & Personality 
 The portrait might capture a persons particular mood on one ocassion, or a combination of various moods over time superimposed into one image. In additional to physical attributes, time frame, demeanor, and mood, Art Terry believes the subject's personality is the most important aspect of a portrait. President Reagan's easy going light hearted joyful demeanor was definitely an identifiable attribute of the man. Terry wanted his study of Ronald reagan to preserve and spotlight that aspect of Reagan's character. "Ronald Reagan 84" was Art Terry's contribution to the overall historical collection of Ronald Reagan art and portraiture imagery.
 The observation has been made by some art pundits that true portraiture does not generally depict the subject smiling or laughing. Terry has never regretted making the Reagan rendering a happy one. The two most important aspects of Art Terry's portraiture adventures are both the personality of the original subject, and the resulting personality of the "virtual person" who ultimately inhabits the frame that hangs on the wall. 

Personality Portraits & Studies by ArtTerry
Charcoal Pencil & Ink Drawings - Pastel Paintings

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 Artwork by ArtTerry is also known as (one word) "ArtTerryArt" or simply "ArtArt"